Aldo Vendemiati
An Outline of General Ethics

Pagine: 208
Dimensioni: 17×24
ISBN: 978-88-401-7070-1
Anno pubblicazione: 2020 – 2° edizione
Collane: Manuali – Strumenti di studio e ricerca
Editore: Urbaniana University Press
The moral question is mainly a question about the meaning of life. This manual – now in its fourth Italian edition, second English edition, and published also in Portuguese – translates the ethical contents of the “perennially valid philosophical heritage” into a multiethnic and multicultural context. The phenomenological style of the work allows readers to go “back to the things themselves,” to the moral experience of each human being, to uncover from within the moral principles that can guide that experience.
The text is designed to involve the reader in a sort of Socratic dialogue that leads to critical awareness of one’s own thinking while remaining within the “world of life.” The theoretical approach supports an ethics of the first person, the point of view of an acting subject who seeks “the good life” – the virtuous life – in which true happiness consists. The book aims at clarity, essentiality, and completeness in a way that has proven effective for learning.
Aldo Vendemiati is Professor of Moral Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical Urban University. His research focuses mainly on the foundation of ethics in dialogue with tradition (San Tommaso e la legge naturale, UUP 2011; Il diritto naturale dalla scolastica francescana alla riforma protestante, UUP 2016), with phenomenology (Fenomenologia e realismo, Naples, 1992) and with contemporary instances of post-modern nihilism and practical rationality (Universalismo e relativismo nell’etica contemporanea, Milan, 2007). He has also dedicated himself to foundational notions in bioethics (La specificità bioetica, Soveria Mannelli 2002) and social ethics (In comunità. Fondamenti di etica sociale, UUP 2013).